Special Reward is the Best Achievement

Malang (MAN 1, Malang) Achmad Shampton, MHi, or famiiiary known as Gus Shampton, the Chief of the Office of the Ministry of Religion, Malang with his staff attended at the outdoor field of MAN 1, Malang in the event of Silaturrahim and Construction for Teachers and Educational Workers of MAN 1 Malang, on Saturday, April 29, 2023. On his explanation, Gus Shampton explained that as human beings, we should have broad mind and always do the good things. As a matter of fact, human beings walk to the better way as long as they are still alive and could breath. For the workers under the authority of the Ministry of Religion, especially as the educators in the Islamic school, who work to make the students smart, educate them well, mean the works that, Allah’s will, have great reward from Allah SWT. He also added that as the workers, we should try to give special reward to the institution (MAN 1, Malang), but not in the forms of gifts, things or even money, but in the form of the best achievement. He was proud with the teachers and educational workers who tried to seek achievement for the Islamic school (MAN 1 Malang), he hoped that we will be able to do better.

Also, at that moment, Mr. Sutirjo, gave appreciation and special thanks to Gus Shampton for his positive construction. Wherever we are, the question is not what we get from there but what can we give there. God willing, our works were recorded as the good reward from Allah SWT.

This event, was done as the trigger of spirit of teachers and educational workers of MAN 1, Malang to work better, especially after the last Idul Fitri Holiday, and was regarded as the time of Silaturrahim with Gus Shampton as the new chief of the Office of Ministry of Religion, Malang.

Chusnul Chotimah, M.Pd.

Penulis yang bernama Chusnul Chotimah, M.Pd. ini merupakan Pegawai Kantor Kementerian Agama Kota Malang yang berstatus PNS dan memiliki jabatan sebagai Waka Humas.